
20 Apr 2015

A love of mathematics

It is easier and better for all of the reasons already stated above. Understanding mathmatics when he goes to school also helps to make him school-proof.

If  you teach your baby how to read, give him encyclopedic knowledge, and teach him mathematics while he's a baby, you will give him:

A love of mathematics which will continue to grow throughout his life;

An advantage in mastering related subjects;

Increased capability and intelligence;

Increased brain growth.

And, if this is not enough he will also be a happier human being.

Learning is easiest

Children who are permitted to learn when learning is easiest don't spend much time being bored of frustrated or causing upsets in order to get attention. They lead happier lives.

They like adults. They also like children. They make friends more easily they keep those friends more easily than most children do.

Our children are easy to spot - they are the kids who are highly capable and highly confident and very, very gentle.

- Glenn Doman


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